What are the Wands of Ra?
Wands of Ra MAAT types
Active excipients of «MAAT» types of the wands are represented by clear quartz crystals of certain shape – 6 faceted, 9 faceted and 12 faceted rods. This ancient technology formula, which came to early Egypt from Atlantis, synchronizes the human energy system with energy flows of the Earth and the Universe at high frequencies.
The amount of crystal faces (the energy nature of sacred geometry) determines the special purpose of each type of wands «MAAT», as well as intensity of the influence on the human body. This kind of Wands of Ra should be used by people with a prepared and developed energy structure, normal cardiovascular and nervous systems.
All the excipients for «MAAT» wands are supplied from the special places of power: Brazil, Nepal and Madagascar.
Wands of Ra BJA types
The word «BJA» is often found in the «Pyramid Texts» - this way the ancient Egyptians called the iron. «BJA», the «metal of heaven», was a sacred mineral in Egypt due to the fact that it came not only from the ground (native telluric iron), but fell from the sky (meteoric iron).
Specialists of «MAAT Foundation» developed three main types of Wands of Ra BJA with ferromagnetics: «Healer» filled with magnetite, «Priest» with native iron and «Pharaoh» with filling of meteoric iron.
The Wands with magnetite and native iron fillings allow to synchronize the human energy system with Earth at low frequencies. The Wands filled with meteoric iron at a certain level synchronize the human energy system with Cosmos.
All the excipients for «BJA» wands are supplied from the special places of power: regions of Siberia, Kola Peninsula and the Taimyr Peninsula.